It’s Memorial Day NOT Happy Memorial Day

In the past couple of years now I’ve seen and heard people say, Happy Memorial Day…I never heard anyone say that.

I ask that if anyone says this or even businesses posting sales with the words Happy Memorial Day to stop. It’s not an appropriate phrase.

It seems as though people are forgetting what Memorial Day is. It’s a day to remember the men and women who died in service, the ones that if they did find their body, came back to their families in a coffin.

Would you want someone to say the word happy when finding out their loved one has died? I don’t think so. On this day make sure to refrain from saying Happy Memorial Day because it wasn’t happy news for these families to receive.

Have a good day, just don’t forget what today means.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Yeah, the phrase “happy memorial day” has never said well with me.

    Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely support the idea of people having fun, marking the unofficial start of summer, doing the things that they do. I don’t think that memorial day has to a solemn, completely mournful event.

    But at the same time “happy Memorial Day” has always felt kind of icky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ana says:

      Agreed. It’s just not an appropriate phrase.

      Liked by 1 person

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