What Are You?

What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain. One question I don’t like to be asked is the what are you question. This is the kind of question that people are really wanting to know what my race/ethnicity is but aren’t sure how to ask this in any other way or even consider…

I’ll Stay Me

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why? This is one of the prompts again where it’s a quick answer from me but if I could be someone else for a day, I would be me…I wouldn’t want to be anyone else. I don’t have a desire to…

Goodbye to Slang Words

If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why? I didn’t really think too much on a word but…I think slang words could be permanently banned. Perhaps it’s because I’m getting older…middle school kids are saying sus, bet, and mid…like what?! I would rather hear kids and even…

It’s all Going to Work out!

What advice would you give to your teenage self? As I thought about this question I was thinking that the advice I would give to my teenage self would be to go to school for education and not film…but I honestly think that everything I’ve accomplished so far has been helpful stepping stones to the…

Family ❤️

Who are your favorite people to be around? My favorite people to be around is definitely my family. I love them so much. It’s always nice to hear and share family history/stories and to have people to talk to about every day things. I also enjoy being around my family because we can make each…

Vans: Authentic Style

Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you. I’ve worn vans since middle school and they’ve been my go to shoe. I always get the authentic style as I enjoy the different colors they have. I recently have the brown ones or the bitter chocolate ones. I’ve worn these shoes…

America the Beautiful

Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you? To be patriotic… I think that means to be supportive and loyal to a country. But also knowing a country’s history…some people can’t even name two of the original colonies and that is embarrassing in my opinion. Unfortunately, in the United States of America I…

A Glimpse…

If there was a biography about you, what would the title be? I’ve actually been thinking about writing a biography and what the title would be…I’m sure it could change but for now I would go with, A Glimpse (of what worked and didn’t). I would have probably around three main sections. The first section…

Raising Me…

What were your parents doing at your age? This is an interesting choice as a prompt but it’s going to be a short entry …they were being responsible adults with jobs and raising me and my siblings. On another note…is time moving fast or what?! How is it almost March?!!!!

Let’s Take a Look at the Criminal Justice System…

If you had the power to change one law, what would it be and why? I think it’s important to look at the criminal justice system. Currently there’s a lot of lawlessness. If we watch what goes on in California when it comes to stealing items from a store no one can do anything to…